Saturday, March 6, 2010

Vegas to AJs

For the past 3 and a half years I have been meeting once a week with a small group. The small group first started through QuEST during my freshman year of college. Over the span of the 3 and a half years we have added new faces while some guys and have dropped for various reasons. The faces have changed so much in fact that I am the only original member, having lost the other original member back in December when he got married and moved to Stillwater, OK.

In Year 1 we read the Gospel Mark and built community. Personally, the most important part was building community. I had come to college with several 8 of my good friends from high school. However, none were really pursuing a relationship with Christ. I needed a group of guys to hang out with who were living the life I was wanting to live. We named ourselves "Vegas" (What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas).

In Year 2 the community was already built so we focussed on The Word. Vegas was huge for me sophomore year of college. I was going through a transition of looking for "better" people to associate with and I found my two best friends.

Year 3 we hit a stalemate. We didn't seem to be focussed on the end result. Some guys didn't seem to take the small group seriously for whatever reason.

Now in Year 4, we are going better than we ever have. We are now meeting every Tuesday morning at 6:15 a.m. With all the attrition and new faces we took on a new name, AJs (just ask me if you want to know what it stands for.) First semester we went through various parts of the Bible talking on fellowship, love, and prayer. Currently we are reading the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

There will be more about my thoughts on Crazy Love in my next post.

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