Sunday, March 14, 2010

What I would give for one more day in Destin

After New Orleans, we decided to hit to one of the premium spring break spots, Destin. You know, that place with the beach white sand, where we were dancing. Destin was an interesting place. I was real excited about going. I had not been in the ocean in quite some time and was really looking forward to putting my toes in the water and my (gl)ass in the sand.

Was Destin as cracked up as I had always heard? I don't know, but I do know I really enjoyed what it had to offer.

1. Meet up with some peeps from Knox. They looked at us weird, like we were crazy for going to Destin after a Chick-fil-a Grand Opening

2. Go to Destin Chick-fil-a, receive standing ovation and meet possibly the nicest person on the face the earth. Her name escapes me at the moment, but it was her birthday and we sang her happy birthday.

3. Go to the beach. Live the beach. Dominate the beach. The beach offered everything I could imagine except for sun.

4. Body surfed like a champ with Brodale

5. Got in an "argument" with someone from Memphis about Jimmie Johnson, "argument" ended immediately when he said he liked Jeff Gordon and not Jimmie Johnson

6. Went to Chick-fil-a again. Not quite the same response as the first time, or so I was told

7. Sat in a parking lot waiting for Overboard to open

8. Decided not to attend the "fun" to be had at Overboard. Ate Taco Bell and washed sand off of legs in hotel sink.

9. Legs were stiff so I walked up to Overboard, saw Lexie and apologized for said "argument."

10. It's 12:30 am and we decide to hightail it back to the 'boro

11. Justin drives first shift. I think Tom Tom sucks, yet is very valuable or we would never had made it anywhere on this trip. We are driving through neighborhoods and what look like gravel/dirt roads.

12. My turn to drive. I drive until we are an hour outside of Birmingham. Then I stop at Best Western to sleep in the parking lot.

13. Nathan cleans the car as he drives through a thunderstorm and we are on the north side of Brimingham.

14. Justin finshes us off as make back to Jake's house.

15. Back in Cookeville Ryan and I watch American Idol. We are surprised Katie and Paige both did not get voted off. They are terrible

16. I drop Ryan off to meet his mom. I eat BBQ nachos then nap during the UT basketball game from 4-8:30. My nap was longer than all the other time I slept in the past 2 days combined.

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