Friday, May 28, 2010

Short Lived

On May 14 a guy I graduated high school with died in a car wreck. From the day we graduated to early March I hardly communicated with him at all. Then one day in March we started talking to each other through Facebook. We had four years of catching up to do. We also had another mutual interest, fitness. We talked constantly through Facebook from then on about different fitness ideas, diets, workouts, etc. We even talked about doing this competition called Tough Mudders together down in Atlanta. It's funny because, I really did not want to do it, but since his death it's all I can think of doing to honor him.

There is more to this though. Chad leaves behind a wife, a son, and a daughter to be born later this summer. It sucks to hear about someone so young who leaves this earth. It sucks even more to hear who he has left behind. Why does God choose someone so young, with such responsibility? I heard my step-father say when we die, we have completed God's specific purpose for us. But what about those who do not know Him, what is they're purpose? Or do they even have a purpose?

Seeing someone so young die proves we are not guaranteed tomorrow.